Our Owner Artists

Kellie Jacobs

Kellie Jacobs

“I am fascinated with the light at the end of the day. When the evening sun is low and warm touching the tops of thesand dunes and grasses of the marsh is the time of day I love best...”
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Rana Jordahl

Rana Jordahl

“I paint to portray not only the structure and color of the local architecture and lowcountry marshes, but also the emotional energy...”
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Lynne Hardwick

Lynne Hardwick

“I am humbled knowing that what comes from my heart and soul has touched people who collect my pieces. I am living my dream and it is overwhelming and wonderful...”
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Sandra W. Roper

Sandra W. Roper

“I simply love Charleston. It represents and unique era of time that will never be seen again. Charleston is filled with romance, creativity, brilliance, hardships and so much more...”
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Ivo Kerssemakers

Ivo Kerssemakers

“Ivo’s photos don’t just capture the natural beauty of landscapes. They create worlds untouched by humans, solitary rabbit holes you’ll want to fall into, and ethereal universes that satisfy a longing for peace and simplicity.”
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Norma Morris Cable

Norma Morris Cable

“I am constantly amazed at the beauty surrounding us. My desire is to capture the light, dancing shadows, movement, expressions, and vivid colors...”
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Gaston Locklear

Gaston Locklear

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Lisa Willits

Lisa Willits

“My paintings explore the things about the landscape that fascinate me: the colors and glow of early morning or evening skies, the incredible cloud formations here on the coast, the ever-changing seascapes, and the vistas that stretch out to forever."
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Nicole Robinson

Nicole Robinson

“The intricate details of a scene attract my attention; it might be the light teasing me to a spot hidden away or the texture of a simple subject...”
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Our Guest Artists

Tommy Beaver

Guy Milligan

Betsy McDonald

Eleanor Parker

Helli Luck

Stephanie Shuler Hamlet

Teresa Jones

Margaret Cutter

Alice Dobbin

Patsy Tidwell

Tina Mayland

Shirley Springs Kratz

Our 3d Artists

Ken Hamilton

Pete Rock

Zan Smith

Shane Fero

Sylvia McCollum

Gale Ray

Stephen T. Vadakin

Judy Mooney