Helli Luck
Helli Luck

Helli Luck

Born and raised in London, I was exposed to great art from a very young age.

I spent a lot of time in cities all over Europe visiting museums and studying the old masters.
My favorite experience was looking at the impressionists at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.

I was priveleged to have my work exhibited in the mall galleries near Buckingham Palace. Imagine the thrill of a 14 year old seeing her work travel Europe as this exhibit did in 1972.

As an 18 year old aspiring artist I studied Graphic Design at Saint Martin's School of Art. Upon graduating with honors I formed

D&H Advertising and was fortunate to work with Saatchi and Saatchi as an Art Director. I was responsible for several major accounts including British Airways, Toshiba, Garuda Airlines, Riva Boats and Gucci. My travels took me to Sydney, Hong Kong and across Europe exposing me further to the fabulous world of art.

Through the years my library shelves have become lined with the written works of artist like Sargent, Sorolla, Zorn and Monet that continue to inspire me.

I am on a wonderful journey of learning and evolving and have studied with some of the greatest artists/teachers such as Quang Ho, Ron Hicks , Daniel Keys and Nancy Guzick.

I have always loved painting "en plein air" using sketches as inspiration back in the studio. I am most passionate about painting from the model trying to capture the mood of the moment.

I am a member of the Impressionist Society and have been chosen to be part of the exhibition several time including being honored with an award from Kevin MacPherson.

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