Gale Ray
Gale Ray is an award-winning fine artist. After 34 years as a tapestry weaver, 15 years as a faux finisher, a lifetime of painting, Gale’s most recent work focuses not only on painting, but on hand building pottery.
She currently maintains a studio in Charleston, SC where she works and shows her art. Her subject matter includes coastal landscape, coastal images and hand built pottery vessels based on elements of nature and the sea.
“As I look back over my life as an artist, I have come to realize that no matter what I’m working with, it becomes a way of painting. Whether I’m weaving, constructing a 3-dimensional tapestry, creating a faux finish, painting or hand building pottery... I’m always painting."
"I view myself as an artist with a painter's eye and many different hands; a weaver, a faux finisher, a painter and currently, a potter."